Articles Of Association
Articles of Association of World Instant Noodles Association
Promoted by Momofuku Ando, the inventor of instant noodles, and agreed to by a number of instant noodle manufacturers around the world, this Association was launched.
Article 1.
The name of the Association shall be "World Instant Noodles Association", abbreviated as "WINA."
Article 2.
(Location of Headquarters)
The headquarters of the Association shall be at the Momofuku Ando Instant Ramen Museum in Ikeda City, Osaka, Japan.
Article 3.
The purposes of the Association shall be to improve the quality of instant noodles products, to secure their stable supply, and to contribute to a healthy and varied diet for people all over the world. At the same time, the Association shall seek to develop the instant noodle manufacturing industry, to improve its social status, and to cultivate fellowship among its Members.
Article 4.
(Qualification of Regular Members, Associate Members, and Special Members)
- Any instant noodle manufacturer shall have the right to become a Regular Member of the Association. While the main axis is the manufacturing company, its holding company or the company under the holding company is also eligible for regular membership. The Association asks any and all instant noodle related companies to participate in the Association.
- The Associate Member (s) of the Association shall be companies other than the instant noodle manufacturer, who are engaged in instant noodle-related businesses.
- Any state authority, public institution, or academic society may constitute a Special Member of the Association. One person from one organization is admitted as a Special Member.
- Membership in each of the three membership categories mentioned above is conditioned on each applicant affirming the purposes of the Association and paying the prescribed fees.
Article 5.
(Admission Procedure)
To become a Member of the Association, a prospective Member must submit an application to the Chairman, and approval must be obtained from the Board of Governors.
Upon the acceptance of the membership application, the new Member must pay the initiation fee specified in Article 14.
Article 6.
The Association shall engage in the following activities in order to achieve the purposes stipulated in Article 3:
- To contribute to human health and to live up to consumers’ trust by improving the quality and the safety of instant noodles, based upon WINA Food Safety Research Fund.
- To observe and propagate the CODEX for instant noodles.
- To collect and distribute related information, to conduct surveys and studies for the benefit of its Members, and to expand instant noodle consumption.
- To promote corporate activities that contribute to the conservation of the global environment.
- To provide emergency ration to those who are affected by natural disasters and other sufferings, based upon WINA Disaster Relief Fund.
- To hold the General Meeting (World Conference) to discuss issues of interest to the Members and to cultivate fellowship among Members.
- In addition to the foregoing, to conduct other activities to achieve the purposes of the Association.
Article 7.
(Executive Officers)
The Association shall have the following executive officers:
- Governor Companies: Not more than 15 (appointed from instant noodle manufacturer Members from the top fifteen countries/regions in terms of market size upon the resolution of the Board of Governors.)
- The representative of the Regular Member who is the top manufacturer in its respective country/region among the principal instant noodles producing countries/regions shall serve as the Governor for its respective country/region, and a maximum of two members from each company may be nominated as Representative Governor and Executive Governor. However, if such top manufacturer is prevented from discharging its duties, depending on the circumstances of such country/region, another instant noodle manufacturer from that country/region shall act as such governor, subject to the approval of the Board of Governors.
- Also, the representative of the Regular Member whose annual servings are over 3 billion shall have a right to serve as a Governor for its respective country/region with the recommendation of a Governor and/or all Governors based in that country/region and approval of Governors’ meeting of WINA. The Governor with the greatest sales volume in that country/region shall serve as a channel of communication for daily operation of WINA.
- The Association may have one Chairman and one Director General.
- The representative of the company that hosts the General Meeting shall be the Director General.
Article 8.
(Duties of Officers)
The Chairman shall represent the Association and preside over the entire business of the Association.
The Director General shall support the Chairman and preside over proceedings of the Board of Governors and chair the Board of Governors Meeting and the General Meeting.
Governors shall comprise the Board of Governors, support the Chairman as well as Director General, and manage the Association.
Article 9.
(Term of Service)
There shall be no preset term of service for a Governor, as long as his / her company remains the top manufacturer in its country / region or as long as he / she has the approval of the Board of Governors.
Article 10.
(General Meeting)
- A General Meeting shall in principle be held once every two years.
- The General Meeting shall in principle be hosted in turn by the companies which are acting as Governors.
- A Governor who wishes to host a General Meeting shall obtain approval from the Board of Governors by proposing the meeting location.
- An Extraordinary General Meeting shall be held as the Chairman or the Board of Governors deems necessary.
Article 11.
(The Board of Governors)
- The Board of Governors is the decision-making body of the Association.
- The Board of Governors shall be convened at the same time as the General Meeting or whenever the Chairman or a one-third of Governor Companies deems necessary. The Chairman shall convene the meeting and the Director General shall steer the meeting.
- The Board of Governors is duly constituted when a two-thirds of Governor Companies, including presence by proxy, are present.
- Each Governor Company has one vote, and the Board of Governors requires a two-thirds vote to the resolution.
- Decisions of the Board of Governors may be made by electronic document and shall be considered as a resolution when signed by at least 2/3 of the Governor Companies.
Article 12.
(Business Meetings)
The Association shall have working-level committees, which hold business meetings at least once a year to ensure the smooth operation of the General Meeting (World Conference), the Board of Governors and other activities of the Association. The Association shall establish sub-committees as necessary to facilitate its activities.
Article 13.
(Fiscal Year)
The fiscal year of the Association shall extend for a two-year period from January 1 to December 31 of the following year.
Article 14.
- The general expenses of the Association shall be covered by initiation fees and membership dues paid by the Members as specified below.
A : Initiation Fees
- (1)Governor Companies
- US$ 10,000
- (2)Regular Members
- US$ 1,000
- (3)Associate Members
- US$ 500
- (4)Special Members
- US$ 500
B : Membership Dues (for a two-year period)
- (1)Governor Companies
- US$ 7,000
- (2)Regular Members
- US$ 1,000
- (3)Associate Members
- US$ 500
- (4)Special Members
- US$ 500
- In addition to the above, the expenses of performing the activities described in Article 6 shall be separately decided by the Board of Governors.
Article 15.
If a Member fails to pay its membership dues or fails to perform other duties required by the Association, upon a resolution by the Board of Governors, such Member shall be deemed to have withdrawn from the Association,. In such a case, the Association shall submit a withdrawal notification to such Member and shall not refund either the initiation fee or the membership due.
Article 16.
(Secretariat Office)
The secretariat office of the Association shall be located at Nissin Foods Holdings Co., Ltd., Tokyo head office (28-1, Shinjuku 6-Chome, Shinjuku-Ku, Tokyo 160-8524, Japan).
Article 17.
(Revision of the Incorporation Memorandum)
The Articles of Association may be revised if so resolved by the Board of Governors.
Article 18.
The Articles of Association shall become effective on February 27, 2007.
The Articles of Association of WINA, formerly IRMA, were enacted on March 5, 1997
- Amended on March 10, 1998.
- Amended on March 9, 2004.
- Wholly-revised as IRMA was changed to WINA on February 27, 2007
- Amended on April 20, 2010.
- Amended on May 19, 2012
- Amended on February 22, 2018
- Amended on January 29, 2020
- Amended on January 11, 2024
- 1997
- The first General Meeting was held in Tokyo, at which Momofuku Ando was appointed as the Chairman.
- 1999
- The second General Meeting was held in Bali.
- 2001
- The third General Meeting was held in Bangkok.
- 2004
- The fourth General Meeting was held in Shanghai.
- 2006
- The fifth General Meeting was held in Seoul.
- 2008
- The sixth General Meeting was held in Osaka.
- 2010
- The seventh General Meeting was held in Kuala Lumpur.
- 2012
- The eighth General Meeting was held in Tianjin.
- 2018
- The ninth General Meeting was held in Osaka.
- 2022
- The ten General Meeting was held in Bali.